THN 15UIR and THN 20UIR are series of high-performance DC/DC

The THN 15UIR and THN 20UIR are series of high-performance DC/DC converters with an ultra-wide 12:1 input voltage range and a power output of 15 & 20watt. Both in a compact, fully encapsulated 1”x1” housing for highest reliability and effective cooling. The default 15Watt version is without heatsink and the 20Watt variant features a pre-mounted heatsink for convection cooling up to +70°C without derating. They are EN 50155 certified for rolling stock applications, EN 61373 certified for resistance against mechanical shock and vibration and EN 45545-2 certified for fire behavior and naturally with IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 safety approvals for use in a wide range of demanding industrial applications.


THN 15UIR series

THN 20UIR series

More information, please contact AVE